

Oracle and Sage -

founded by women,

curated by women,

in the support of women.

Empowering Change: Oracle & Sage's Impactful Mission in Wellbeing

In a world where wellness and well-being are gaining increasing significance, it's heartening to witness individuals and organisations take a bold stand to democratise this crucial industry. Among these visionaries are the founders of Oracle & Sage, Veronica and Ghino, who are on a compelling mission to make well-being accessible to all.

At the core of Oracle & Sage lies a transformative vision comprising two powerful elements - ‘Oracles’ and ‘Sage’. The Oracles, often referred to as Wise Women, are dedicated to the service of healing. These extraordinary individuals bring their wisdom and expertise to the forefront, ensuring that healing modalities are readily available for those in need. Working closely with handpicked Oracles, Oracle & Sage aims to provide vital support to women precisely when and where they require it the most.

Sage, the wellness product line with a social purpose, is the second pillar of Oracle & Sage's mission. What sets Sage apart is its commitment to impact. A staggering 97% of donations and 100% of profits from merchandise go directly towards funding healing treatments for women worldwide, facilitated by the Oracles. This symbiotic relationship between products and healing forms the heart of a movement that seeks to uplift and empower women globally.

Oracle & Sage's philosophy is underpinned by three essential pillars:

● Honouring Indigenous Wisdom in Wellness: By creating an inclusive wellness space and representative of all women, Oracle & Sage give voice to indigenous traditions that have shaped and continue to influence the realms of mind, body, and spirit.

● Fair Compensation for All Stakeholders: Valuing the contributions of every woman involved, Oracle & Sage ensures a financial ecosystem that fairly compensates all stakeholders, fostering a sense of appreciation and recognition.

● Purpose with Profit: In a world where conscious consumerism is gaining traction, Oracle & Sage stand at the forefront by offering products with a purpose beyond profit. This commitment to purpose-driven products resonates with individuals seeking to make meaningful choices.

Oracle & Sage beckon you to join their healing collective by contributing just £1.11 weekly or monthly. This seemingly modest gesture holds the potential to create a monumental impact, with the power to touch lives, uplift communities, and bring about positive change. As Oracle & Sage pave the way for a more accessible, equitable, and purpose-driven well-being industry, they invite us all to participate in this transformative journey towards a better future.

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a healing collective

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the founders

  • Veronica Immink-Gill

    Having worked as a holistic therapist for over 20 years, Veronica Immink-Gill's work in the world is the culmination of her Peruvian and Dutch roots and a lifetime of travel and immersion in indigenous culture. A consultant to some of the world's best known wellness brands (Bamford Botanicals (Daylesford) Aveda Spa,) in the birthing of their own holistic products and services, her training as a Cosmetologist in the US has evolved into deeper work with plant medicine, plant based products and energetic modalities through the years.

    Having experienced first hand the transformation that occurs when mind, body and spirit work in unison, Veronica is committed to using her gifts and insight to make healing therapies accessible to all irrespective of financial background.

  • Ghino Parker

    Ghino Parker has a lifetime of accomplishments in the service of human connection. Her work was inspired by her experience as a young Kurdish refugee settling in London and a completely new culture. Relying on the guidance of ancestors she began her journey of empathy and understanding the elements of human experience.

    Her international work and passion for traveling have given Ghino a deep insight into the variations in healing modalities that exist thru culturally significant artifacts and practices. Conflict response convoys to standing up for inner-city youth voices affected by violence, the common thread of her life has always been an effort to connect and champion beyond social narratives.

    Being a pillar of strength and guidance for so many she has relied on intuition and a deeper sense of self to guide others into a more positive light.

    Ghino's expansive calling to help others and her life experience have been the catalyst for co-founding Oracle and Sage, highlighting the need for healing for all, without limitations.

get in touch

(+44) 7415 535 791